Favourite musical style? Nothing over-played, un-original, or containing strong and vulgar lyrics. I usually prefer underground (a.k.a. unpopular) and instrumental tracks. I’m a big fan of bizarre idm style artists like Venetian Snares, Aphex Twin, and Squarepusher, but I’m pretty down with many forms of dance/disco, breakbeat/hip-hop, pleasant robot-pop, trance/lounge, and the more aggressive and experimental side of dnb/break-core. I’m open to a little folk, opera, and rap, definitely classical and jazz, but not as much punk or rock unless it really rocks. My favourite music source is definitely Brave New Waves on CBC Radio, the place I first heard probably all of these artists. Worship music, however, is a whole other category. That’s the music I sing...
Why? There's a few reasons I love listening to this style. Firstly, it has a narrow audience, so there are all kinds of experimental audio gems just waiting to be found. Secondly, it's weird and unusual, and therefore I can find my own unique identity somewhere in that, in a land without groupies, top 40 charts or ecstacy trips. Thirdly, I actually like it. If it weirds people out a little, that's just a plus. I listen to it becuase I like it. I should mention I've never had a CD collection, I never gotten into any format but MP3 and minidisc. Then one hard day I realized that if anyone called me on the morality of my free MP3's, I'd have no good reason to justify my stealing... and I scrapped that 1500+ collection. So that led me to two places, Live365 along with the CBC for radio, and ocremix.org... the name in video-game remixes. It's there that I intend to become one of the most influential and widely regarded artists the site has ever seen: Less Ashamed Of Self. Just watch me. ; )